North of 60 Interview: Carmen Moore

Carmen Moore is known to Nof60 fans as Leon Deela's unexpected
visitor in the episode "Peter & The Wolf." She later had a recurring
role in two other CBC series, "Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy" and
"Tom Stone." U.S. viewers have seen her in "Wolf Lake," "Caprica,"
"Smallville," "Psych," "Stargate: Atlantis," "Eureka," and other BC-based
shows. For the past few years, she has been a regular on both "Arctic
Air" and "Blackstone." My thanks to her for doing this email interview.

PW: Family issues seem to be at the forefront for Leona Stoney on "Blackstone" this season. How are you enjoying the storylines between Leona and Gail?

CM: I think we have amazing writers that always give us great storylines to work with, but I must say I really enjoyed how much tension there is between Leona and Gail this season, but also how much closer we became because of it. The family stuff is huge this season...very intense.

(Click on photo for larger image.)

PW: Do you think that Leona will really be able to focus on her work and stay out of band politics?

CM: I think Leona is much happier counselling the kids than she ever was working in the Band office! That was a tough go, and getting booted out of there didn't do much for her self-esteem and confidence, lol! She is better when she's feeling like she's needed...aren't we all? ;) I think she has no problem letting someone else handle the politics.

PW: You're also a regular on "Arctic Air." What can we expect to see from Loreen in the upcoming season?

CM: Arctic Air has been great so far! We're right in the middle of shooting Season 3 and Loreen really has a new zest for life since the life altering events in first season. She smiles a lot now! She wears bright colors! She even traded in her 20-year-old Levis for some new skinnys! Lol! Dating, developing a great friendship/working relationship with Krista. It's been a fun season so far.

PW: You were in one episode of "North of 60," playing Leon Deela's out-of-town girlfriend. Were you a regular watcher of Nof60, and if so, what was it like actually being in "Lynx River" for the first time?

CM: I had watched a few episodes here and there of North of 60, and it was outrageously popular at the time...also it was still relatively early in my career, so it was pretty exciting to be on the show. I had a really great time. Everyone was very welcoming, and my storyline was pretty cool. Good memories.

To keep up on Carmen's activities, you can visit her website ( or follow her Twitter feed (@carmenmoore1).

Find out more about "Blackstone" and "Arctic Air" at their official websites.

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Text (c) 2013 Patricia F. Winter.

All rights reserved. For personal use only. Do not distribute to other persons by electronic or non-electronic means (including posting on a web site) without prior permission from the copyright owner.

Last updated 11/16/2013