
PW: You mean wrong about the murder? JP: Yeah. Because she believed so deeply in her option, in community policing.

FH: Matthew is almost like the poster boy for aboriginal policing, in terms of what happened to him and Teevee [in "Another Country"].

JP: Yeah, I want him to succeed. Because I think in Marjorie's mind, it is possible for an ex-convict--a young native man full of rage, as she says--to go up to a community and heal, begin the healing process. But sometimes, faith in someone isn't enough.

FH: How real do you think this story is? How grounded in reality?

JP: Oh, I think it's very real. I love the weaving story of the residential school survivor. Of how Daniel's character is confronted with his past. I think that that's wonderful and very, very, real, and very needed. You rarely see that sort of thing in television or film.


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